Pagan Ministries of Central New York
Church of the Greenwood was founded in 2002 to provide an organization for people of Earth-based spiritualities to worship and recognize rites of passage in their life. Members may be monotheistic, polytheistic and/or a blend of both. With this in mind, we are dedicated to achieving the full potential inherent in all beings.
The Church is a 501(c)3 non-profit religious, charitable and educational corporation organized to provide a full spectrum of legal activities practiced by any church which includes worship services, pastoral counseling, weddings, child blessings, funerals and other rites of passage.
To help foster an understanding and tolerance in the mainstream community, Church of the Greenwood sponsors Pagan religious and educational activities including clergy training, workshops, talks, festivals and youth programs.
Central New York Pagan Pride Day
September 21, 2024 9:00-5:00 at Long Branch Park in Liverpool, NY
We sponsor and organize the annual Central New York Pagan Pride Day. More events, classes, and rituals are available for Church members and the public.
Our clergy provide provide compassionate spiritual and emotional support to people, whether at home or in local medical and hospice settings.
We provide a source of guest speakers and teachers for students at local colleges and universities who wish to learn about Paganism, find community, and celebrate rituals and rites of passage.